The Kalahari Typing School For Men by Alexander McCall Smith
This is the 4th book in McCall's "No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency" series and I hate to say it but I'm getting bored. Maybe reading them closer together would help me stay interested. I don't know. I just know I'm not enjoying these much anymore.
In this story Mme Ramotswe takes on a client who wants her help finding a family he stole from when he was young, and a girl he had used then abandoned when she needed him most. Decades after those events he has matured into a man of integrity and he wants nothing more than to right those wrongs.
Mma Makutsi, assistant to Mma Ramotswe and the only other employee of the Detective Agency, is struggling to make ends meet financially and is considering various money-making schemes, among them the possibility of opening a typing school for men. Without giving too much away I will say that Mma Makutsi is in for some romance in this book, while Mma Ramotswe's relationship with Mr. J.L.B. Matekoni doesn't develop much beyond what it was in Book #3.
In spite of my growing indifference toward this series it has lots of things to recommend it. The characters have a lovely innocence about them, a sort of purity that I find very refreshing. The story lines are fairly uncomplicated and moderately paced. They are gentle, humourous and positive and I should love them, so why don't I?
Theses books are hugely popular so don't let my dwindling interest influence you. They have become favorites for many people and I hope you'll give them a try. I think I'll move on to one of the authour's other series to see if I like it better. I can't say if I'll read any more of these. I'm disappointed but you can't win'em all I guess.
6 months ago
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