6 months ago
Book Blogger Hop March 15-21
Friday, March 15, 2013 -
Ordinary Reader
The Book Blogger Hop is now being hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer, whose question this week is:
"Time to take a seat on the director's chair! If you could turn one of your favorite books into a film, who would you cast?"
I think "The Cellist of Sarajevo" would make a phenomenal movie. When I read it I pictured Stellan Skarsgard as Dragan and Donald Sutherland (with long-ish hair) as the cellist. I think Shia LaBoeuf could be good as Kenan (although maybe he's too cute) and Ellen Page is perfect for the part of Arrow. I would love to see this movie so please, Mr. Hollywood Director, if you're out there and reading this (because what else would you have to do on a Friday night?) feel free to use my casting suggestions, no charge. Well, maybe just a small mention in the credits...
Check out the Blog Hop to see what other book bloggers are up to and maybe get a few new titles for your to-read list. And have a great weekend!
I love that you were already picturing actors for the characters. I guess you were really prepared for this question! :)
Hi Cheryl. I try not to cast every book I read but I'm losing the battle. Faces just seem to attach themselves to characters without my permission. This is the only time it's ever been useful. Thanks for stopping by!
I am bad at movie watching so this was a difficult question for me.
THANKS for you suggestion.
Happy Hopping!!
Silver's Reviews
My Blog Hop Answer
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