Changing Our Mind

 Changing Our Mind by David P. Gushee

As with Why Not Women I'll begin by saying I am not a Biblical scholar, nor have I done extensive personal study of the Bible's stance on same-sex marriage. I've always taken a few verses at face value and drawn my conclusions from those, which was comfortable because most of the people I know had come to the same conclusions, and if a question was raised those verses seemed to clearly answer it. 

Recently I've been challenged to at least consider other viewpoints, not to change my beliefs but simply to listen to those who have drawn other conclusions from what the Bible says. And so I read Changing Our Mind, praying to not be swayed from the truth by fine-sounding arguments. (Col. 2:4). I want to know and believe the truth, whatever it may be. 

It was well written and thorough in its explanations, but when I came to the end of it a lot of things still weren't clear to me. Then I read the section at the back entitled "Response to Critics", where the author talked about things I'd never before considered. I'm still not sure where I stand on every question, but my perspective has been changed. I won't go into a lot of detail because I think it's better for each one to read it and think through it themselves, but when he asked us to look at the situation in light of other, similar issues we once took a firm stance on and have now reconsidered, I found wisdom - truth - in that and it has helped me in thinking about this. There's simply no getting around the fact that we have changed our position on other issues: women going to church with their heads uncovered, women speaking in church, divorced couples being accepted into membership, and divorced people being accepted as pastors. 

If after prayer and study we find ourselves still unable to accept same-sex marriage within the church - and we must each heed our own conscience - we can find Biblical encouragement to love and treat with dignity those who do. The bottom line for Christians is always love, for it is the way of Christ.  

After I've had some time to digest all I've read in this book, I'll read it again to see if I can get a little more clarity on things I'm still unsure about. He presents an honest challenge, not for those looking to back-up what they already believe, but for those of us who are sincerely conflicted about this issue. If that's you, Changing Our Mind might be of help.


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