Devorgilla Days

 Devorgilla Days by Kathleen Hart

The journal of a woman who has suffered more than most and found help and healing in a remote Scottish town. Wigtown and its people (Devorgilla is her cottage, named after a fierce Scottish princess) gave her time and space to process all that had happened to her and to transition from an invalid to a vibrant woman living life on her terms. What she went through with her health and all the repercussions from that is unthinkable; it's incredible that she survived it at all, let alone to thrive the way she does now.

I loved this book. Her candor is refreshing, and her descriptions of life in rural Scotland - the way people took her in, the countryside, the flora, the lochs, the forests - I want to be there. I am homesick for a place I've never been. 

Read this one. 


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