
 Attribution by Linda Moore

Cate, art history student, finds an old and possibly valuable painting in a storeroom at the university. She thinks she recognizes a Spanish artist's style but can't find any mention of it in lists of his works. Telling no one of her discovery, she disappoints her parents who wanted her to come home for Christmas, and instead takes an impromptu trip to Spain to do some research. There, in an apparently serendipitous moment, she meets Antonio, who will become a romantic interest and in whose family home Cate's painting once hung. To begin her research she contacts a local professor who seems willing to help but in fact has her own agenda for the painting. 

I love a book that immerses me in a place, time or culture not my own. Living in the art world of this book for a few days and learning a little about artists and their paintings made this a great reading experience for me. The story is good as well, though I thought it a bit too much of a coincidence that the man she just happened to sit beside on the train also just happened to be the one who's family had a history with her painting. Still, it made for an intriguing story and I very much enjoyed it.   


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