It's Friday again and that's mean the hop. Hosted by Crazy For Books, the hop is a way for book bloggers to get acquainted and to find lots of great reading recommendations. This week we are asked to answer the question "Do you judge books by their covers?".
My answer is a resounding Yes! If I'm browsing in a bookstore, it is the cover and the title that account for most of my purchases. Of course the blurb on the back has to be good too. If I'm shopping for a specific title the cover doesn't matter so much. I've only been completely disappointed a couple of times so it's been a pretty effective way of finding books I will like. I enjoy beautiful covers and will check out a nice one before I'll even pick up an ugly one. When I'm buying online, I sometimes spend a long time looking at all the covers of the various editions and have been known to spend an extra dollar or two for one I like. After all it's going to be on my bookshelf for a long time so why not get a nice one?
How about you? Are you swayed by covers and titles?
6 months ago
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