Welcome to the Friday Blog Hop hosted by Crazy For Books. On her site you'll find a list of book blogs where you're sure to find someone who has the same reading tastes as you and who can give you more reading recommendations than you ever thought possible. Be sure to stop by her site and check it out.
Each week she asks a question for us to answer in our hop posts. This week she asks: What book influenced or changed your life? How did it influence/change you?"
That's not easy to answer because I've read so many books that have made a real difference in my life. One in particular though was The Sacred Romance by John Eldredge. It helped me to understand that my relationship with God is one of love, and that He is not some angry father waiting for me to do something wrong so he could punish me. It showed me that I was seeing Him in the wrong way and that I could trust Him to just simply love me, always. And that changes everything. It's been a long time since I've read it, but the effect has changed who I am forever.
Have fun checking out lots of blogs at Crazy For Books and have a great weekend!
6 months ago
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