The Friday Blog Hop is hosted weekly by Jennifer at Crazy For Books. It's a chance for book bloggers to find each other on the net and share reading tastes and reviews.
Each week she gives us a question to answer in our blog hop post. This week it's: How many books are on your to-be-read shelf? My answer: 74 actual books that I own but haven't read. But I have a list. Boy do I have a list. As of 3:34 this afternoon, there are 371 titles on it. It grows every Friday when I start checking out the blogs on the hop, so I have no doubt it will be bigger than 371 by tonight.
If you're here from the hop, please leave a comment so I can return your visit. Have a great weekend everyone.
6 months ago
Just stopping by via the Hop. Have been looking over your titles and impressed with your choices. Very literary. :-) I'm also impressed with your articulation. Nice reviews!
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