In the six months I've been blogging about books I've come across dozens of reading challenges I would love to have joined if only I could devote 24 hours a day to reading. Everything from classics challenges to Australian, Japanese and South American author challenges to genres challenges. I told myself I would not join any of them until my shelves and tbr list got down to reasonable, or at least sane, numbers.
But....and there's always a but....I found one I can't ignore. It's the 13 Canadian Books Challenge hosted by Book Mine Set. The rules are that you read 13 Canadian books between July 1st, 2010 and July 1st, 2011. (July 1st being Canada day if you live elsewhere and didn't know). You must review each book either on your own blog or on a site available to everyone like or another well known book site.
I have several Canadian authours on my tbr and a couple I've been wanting to re-read so I'm looking forward to this. It's lovely discovering new local authours, and I will try to read some authours that I've been feeling guilty about not reading. That "should have read this" guilt has reared it's ugly head again. It's never going to go away is it?
The host of this challenge says it is up to the reader to decide what constitutes a "Canadian Book". Maybe the authour was born Canadian, or wasn't but is Canadian now, or maybe the story is about Canadians. If you consider it Canadian, then it is good for this Challenge.
So, I'm off to do some research and make a list of the Canadian books I'll be reading. I could choose books as I go, but I am a compulsive organizer so that won't work for me. I must make lists.
Happy reading,
6 months ago
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