Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by the lovely young ladies at The Broke And The Bookish, who each Tuesday ask participants to list 10 bookish somethings. I've been looking for meme ideas because truthfully I'm a little bored with Ordinary Reader right now and being somewhat list-obsessive I thought this might be fun. This week they ask us to list the top ten books we go to when we need something light and fun to read. I have a melancholy tendency to read serious things but there are a few books that I enjoy as lighter reading, though I don't know if others would call them light or fun.
Here are my ten:
1. 84, Charring Cross Road - this is a series of letters between a girl in New York City and a book shop in England. This book is a treasure.
2. Anne of Green Gables - I love this sweet, funny story of a young girl growing up in Prince Edward Island.
3. The Fairacre series by Miss Read. Delightful reading. I read my first one at Christmas and I am hooked.
4. The Amelia Peabody mysteries by Elizabeth Peters. I've read a couple of these and go to the next in the list when I need something light.
5. The Sunday Philosophy Club series by Alexander McCall Smith. This is another series I go to when I want something that is easy to read but still has an interesting story.
6. Books about books or set in book shops, libraries, etc. I find these the most fun of all.
7. The Provence books by Peter Mayle. I will never tire of these books.
8. Anything by Maeve Binchey, who was a great storyteller.
9. Anything by Rosamunde Pilcher, another wonderful storyteller.
10. Cold Comfort Farm by Stella Gibbons - this is one of the funniest things I've ever read! Deliciously odd.
6 months ago
I loved 84 Charing Cross Road! :)
Bokdamen - Wasn't it great? There are few books that I can say truly delighted me but this certainly is one. It's on my list of "best books ever"! Thanks for stopping by.
What a fantastic list! I just read 84, Charing Cross Rd. a few weeks ago and am absolutely swoony over it.
I'm also quite fond of Cold Comfort Farm, as you might guess from my handle :)
auntadadoom - Have you read the other two cold comfort farm books? I haven't yet but am going to shop around for them soon. I think the original book is priceless and am hoping the others will be as good. I absolutely love that you use auntadadoom as your name.
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