Usually we are given a specified top ten to list but today The Broke and Bookish asked us to list our top ten favourite anything. I decided to go with my top ten favourite authors to read on those days when my brain is on overload and I want a book that will simply entertain me and not demand anything in return. Some call these "comfort reads" - a good description because they take you away from your life and tell you a story without asking you to take responsibility for anything. So here are my top ten authours to read for pleasure only:
1. Maeve Binchey - she was such a great story-teller.
2. Rosamunde Pilcher - I love the settings and language
3. Alexander McCall Smith - reading the Isabel Dalhousie series set in Edinburgh
4. Anne Perry - there seems to be an endless number of these mysteries. I'm not really a fan of mysteries but I like the time/setting/language of these books
5. Elizabeth Peters - the Amelia Peabody series is very entertaining
6. P.G. Wodehouse - have only read one, but I'm loving the dry humour
7. Miss Read - again have only read one but that was enough - I'm hooked
8. Wilkie Collins - gothic and melodramatic - they are a great escape
9. Lucy Maude Montgomery - lovely innocent stories of days past
10. Louisa May Alcott - her books create a nice atmosphere to spend time in
Stop by The Broke and Bookish to find a long list of other top tens that might interest you. So many blogs, so little time...
6 months ago
Ooooo great list! Love seeing what people come up with on a freebie day! I went with top ten quotes, here's my list...
Good list! Pilcher wanders on and off my comfort reads list, depending on my mood and how long it's been since I last read her. L. M. Montgomery and Alcott are firmly on it, as are some of the books of Elizabeth Goudge. Also Dorothy Sayers; I love her writing as well as her plots and characters.
Lark, I've never read anything by either Goudge or Sayers, but I've heard a lot of good things about the latter so I'll be checking them out. Thanks for the recommendations!
Great list. I have read and liked books by 8 of these authors, although L.M. Montgomery is the only one with books on my list of comfort reads.
I definitely second Sayers. Although some of her mysteries are somewhat contrived and over-complicated, the writing is lovely, especially in the books dealing with the relationship between Peter Wimsey and Harriet Vane.
My comfort authors include Gerald Durrell, James Herriot, Georgette Heyer and Jennifer Crusie.
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