All Books - by Author

Author Unknown: The Proud King of Kandy and Other Stories
The Story, a chronological re-telling of the Bible story
Abraham, Carolyn - Possessing Genius (The True Account of the Bizarre Odyssey of Einstein's Brain)
Adams, Douglas - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Adams, Richard - Watership Down
Adams, Sara Nisha - The Reading List
Albom, Mitch - The Time Keeper
Alcott, Louisa May - Christmas Treasury
Alcott, Louisa May - Eight Cousins
Alcott, Louisa May - The Mysterious Key And What It Opened
Alcott, Louisa May - The Quiet Little Woman
Alexander, Dr. Eben - Proof Of Heaven
Alexis, Andre - Fifteen Dogs
Anderson, Joan - A Year By The Sea
Anderson, Poul - Brain Wave
Anderson, Poul - New America
Alameddine, Rabih - An Unnecessary Woman
Ardalan, Ahmad - The Gardener of Baghdad
Armstrong, Sally - The Nine Lives Of Charlotte Taylor
Arnow, Harriette - The Dollmaker
Asher, Bridget - The Provence Cure for the Brokenhearted
Atherton, Nancy - Aunt Dimity's Christmas
Atlas, Nava - The Literary Ladies Guide to the Writing Life
Atwood, Margaret - The Handmaid's Tale
Austen, Jane - Mansfield Park
Austen, Jane - Northanger Abbey
Austen, Jane - Persusion, Persuasion Audio
Bach, Richard - Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Backman, Fredrik - A Man Called Ove
Backman, Fredrik - Anxious People
Backman, Fredrik - Beartown
Baker, Frank - Miss Hargreaves
Baker, Nicholson - The Anthologist (x2)
Baillie, Martha - The Incident Report
Baldwin, James - Go Tell It On the Mountain
Banner, Catherine - The House at the Edge of Night
Balizet, Carol - The Seven Last Years
Baranick, Jenny - Kiss My Asterisk
Barbery, Muriel - The Elegance of the Hedgehog
Barbieri, Heather - The Lacemakers of Glenmara
Barnes, Julian - The Sense of an Ending
Barrett, Andrea - Servants of the Map
Barrie, J.M. - Peter Pan
Bauermeister, Erica - The School of Essential Ingredients
Baume, Sara - Spill, Simmer, Falter, Wither
Beah, Ishmael - A Long Way Gone
Beaton, M.C. - The Constant Companion
Belmond, C.A. - A Rather Lovely Inheritance 1
Belmond, C.A. - A Rather Curious Engagement 2
Belmond, C.A. - A Rather Charming Invitation 3
Belmond, C.A. - A Rather Remarkable Homecoming 4
Bender, Aimee - The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake
Bennett, Alan - The Clothes They Stood Up In
Bennett, Alan - The Lady In The Van
Bennett, Alan - The Uncommon Reader
Benson, Robert - Home By Another Way
Binchy, Maeve - A Week In Winter
Binchy, Maeve - The Return Journey
Birmingham, Stephen - The Auerbach Will
Black, Capt. Dale - Flight To Heaven
Blackmore, R.D. - Lorna Doone
Blake, Raymond - Breakfast in Burgundy
Blake, Sarah - The Postmistress
Blanchard, Melinda and Robert - A Trip To The Beach
Blythe, Cheryl and Susan Sackett - Say Goodnight, Gracie!
Boers, Paul - The Way Is Made By Walking
Bohmer, Otto A. - The Philosophy Book
Borel, Kathryn - Corked
Bowen, Elizabeth - The House in Paris
Bowen, Elizabeth - To The North
Braddon, Mary Elizabeth - Lady Audley's Secret
Braddon, Mary Elizabeth - The Christmas Hirelings
Brashares, Ann - My Name Is Memory
Brennan, Marie - A Natural History of Dragons
Bromfield, Louis - Early Autumn
Bronte, Anne - Agnes Grey
Bronte, Charlotte - Villette
Bronte, Charlotte - The Professor
Bronte, Emily - Wuthering Heights x2
Brookner, Anita - Hotel du Lac
Brooks, Geraldine - People of the Book
Brown, Dan - The Lost Symbol
Bruneau, Carol - Glass Voices
Bryson, Bill - A Short History of Nearly Everything
Bryson, Bill - Down Under
Buchan, Angus - Faith Like Potatoes
Buchanan, Cathy Marie - The Day the Falls Stood Still
Buffet, Jimmy - A Pirate Looks At Fifty
Burke, Jeffrey - Island Lighthouse Inn
Burnett, Carol - This Time Together
Burnett, Frances Hodgson - Little Lord Fauntleroy
Burney, Frances - Evelina
Burpo, Todd - Heaven Is For Real
Burston, Paul - The Closer I Get
Bythell, Shaun - Confessions of a Bookseller x2
Bythell, Shaun - Seven Kinds of People you Find in Bookshops
Cain, Susan - Quiet
Callaghan, Morley - That Summer In Paris
Callahan, Patti - Becoming Mrs. Lewis
Calvino, Italo - If On a Winter's Night a Traveler
Camery-Hoggatt, Jerry - My Mother's Wish
Cameron, Julia - The Right to Write 
Camus, Albert - The Plague
Camus, Albert - The Stranger
Cannon, Joanna - The Trouble with Goats and Sheep
Capote, Truman - Breakfast At Tiffany's
Card, Orson Scott - A Town Divided by Chrismtas
Carlson, Dolley - The Red Coat
Carlson, Melody - Christmas At Harrington's
Carlson, Meloday - Papua, New Guinea
Carr, J.L. - A Month In The Country
Carroll, Lewis - Alice In Wonderland
Carroll, Lewis - Through The Looking Glass
Carson, Susannah (edited by) - Shakespeare and Me
Castellani, Christopher - The Saint of Lost Things
Cather, Willa - My Antonia
Cather, Willa - O Pioneers!
Cather, Willa - The Professor's House
Cather, Willa - The Song Of The Lark
Cather, Willa - Death Comes For The Archbishop
Cather, Willa - One of Ours
Chan, Franis - Crazy Love
Chapman, Mary Beth - Choosing To See
Chaucer, Geoffrey - The Canterbury Tales
Chbosky, Stephen - The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Chevalier, Tracy - Girl With a Pearl Earring
Chiaverini, Jennifer - Christmas Bells
Child, Julia - My Life In France
Childers, Alisa - Another Gospel?
Chopin, Kate - The Awakening
Christie, Agatha - And Then There Were None
Christie, Agatha - Hercule Poirot's Christmas
Christie, Agatha - Midwinter Murder
Christie, Agatha - Murder at The Vicarage
Christie, Agatha - Nemesis
Christie, Agatha - Sleeping Murder
Christie, Agatha - Star Over Bethlehem  (Also listed under Agatha Christie Mallowan)
Christie, Alix - Gutenberg's Apprentice
Chute, Marchette - The Innocent Wayfaring
Clarke, Brock - Who Are You, Calvin Bledsoe?
Cloud, Dr. Henry and Dr. John Townsend  - Boundaries
Coelho, Paulo - The Alchemist
Cohen, Jennieke - My Fine Fellow
Cohen, Jon - Harry's Trees
Coles, Linda - The Silent Ones
Colgan, Jenny - Christmas on the Island
Collins, Paul - Sixpence House
Collins, Paul - Not Even Wrong
Collins, Wilkie - Blind Love
Collins, Wilkie - The Moonstone 
Collins, Wilkie - The Woman in White
Comyns, Barbara - Our Spoons Came From Woolworths (x2)
Conlin, Christy Ann - Heave
Cowan-Erskine, Beth - Loch Down Abbey
Crace, Jim - The Melody
Creighton, Donald - The Road to Confederation
Crewdson, Dorothea - Dorothea's War
Crewe, Lesley - Relative Happiness
Crewe, Lesley - The Spoon Stealer
Crouch, Blake - Upgrade
Crowe, Dustin - The Grumbler's Guide to Giving Thanks
Crummey, Michael - Galore
Crummey, Michael - River Thieves
Crummey, Michael - Sweetland
Crummey, Michael - The Innocents
Cunningham, Loren and David Joel Hamilton - Why Not Women?
Cunningham, Michael - The Hours
Curtis, Brent and Eldredge, John - The Sacred Romance
Cusack, Ruby M. - When Rum Was King
Cusk, Rachael - Outline
Dahl, Roald - Matilda
Day, Cindy - Grandma Says
Darcy, Clare - Lydia
Dark, Alice Elliot - Fellowship Point
Darwish, Nonie - Cruel and Usual Punishment
Davidson, Craig - Precious Cargo
Davidson, Sheila - Hear Heaven
Davila, April - 142 Ostriches
Davis, Thomas J. - The Aluminum Christmas Tree
Deace, Steve - A Nefarious Plot
Defoe, Daniel - Moll Flanders
Delaney, Frank - Tipperary
Delderfield, R. F. -The Avenue, Vol 1: The Dreaming Suburb
Delderfield, R. F. - The Avenue, Vol 2: The Avenue Goes to War
Dempsey, Luke - A Supremely Bad Idea
De Blasi, Marlena - A Thousand Days In Venice
Delacourt, Gregoire - The List of My Desires
Delafield, E.M. - The Diary of a Provincial Lady (Book 1)
Delafield, E.M. - The Provincial Lady Goes Further (Book 2)
Delafield, E.M. - The Provincial Lady in America (Book3)
Delafield, E.M. - The Provincial Lady in Wartime (Book 4)
De Saint-Exupery, Antoine - The Little Prince
De Rosnay, Tatiana - A Secret Kept
De Rosnay, Tatiana - Sarah's Key
De Rosnay, Tatiana - The House I Loved
De Rosnay Tatiana - The Rain Watcher
deWitt, Patrick - The Librarianist
Diamant, Anita - The Red Tent
Dickens, Charles - A Christmas Carol
Dickens, Charles - A Tale of Two Cities
Dickens, Charles - Bleak House
Dickens, Charles - David Copperfield
Dickens, Charles - Great Expectations
Dickens, Moncia - Mariana
Dickens, Monica - My Turn To Make The Tea
Dickner, Nicholas - Nikolski
Didierlaurent, Jean-Paul - The Reader on the 6.27
Doerr, Anthony - Cloud Cuckoo Land
Donoghue, Emma - Akin
Donoghue, Emma - Haven
Donoghue, Emma - Room
Donnelly, Mary Rose - Great Village (x2)
Dorrell, Linda - True Believers
Dostoevsky, Fyodor - Crime and Punishment
Dostoevsky, Fyodor - The Brothers Karamazov
Douglas, Louise - The House by the Sea
Douglas, Scott - Bethlehem, the Year Jesus Was Born
Doyle, Alan - Where I Belong
Dreiser, Theodore - Sister Carrie
Dumas, Albert - The Plague
Dumas, Alexandre - The Count of Monte Cristo
Du Maurier, Daphne - Jamaica Inn
Du Maurier, Daphne - My Cousin Rachel
Du Maurier, Daphne - Rebecca
Dunn, Mark - Ella Minnow Pea
Eco, Umberto - The Name of the Rose
Edwards, Anne - Wallis: the Novel
Edwards, Kim - The Memory Keeper's Daughter
Eliot, George - Middlemarch
Eliot, George - The Mill on the Floss
Eliot, George - Silas Marner
Eliot T.S. - The Wasteland
Evans, Pat Dunlap - To Leave a Memory
Evans, Richard Paul - Lost December
Evans, Richard Paul - The Christmas List
Faber, Michel - D (A Tale of Two Worlds)
Fadimen, Anne - Ex Libris
Faulkner, William - The Sound and The Fury
Faulkner, William - As I Lay Dying
Feiler, Bruce - Looking For Class
Feiler, Bruce - Walking the Bible
Fellowes, Jessica - The Mitford Murders
Ferguson, Will - Beauty Tips From Moose Jaw
Fforde, Jasper - The Eyre Affair (Thursday Next Series #1)
Fforde, Jasper - Lost In A Good Book (Thursday Next Series (#2)
Fforde, Jasper - The Well of Lost Plots (Thursday Next Series #3)
Fforde, Jasper - Something Rotten (Thursday Next Series #4)
Fforde, Jasper - First Among Sequels (Thursday Next series #5)
Fielding, Henry - A History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
Fitzgerald, F. Scott - The Great Gatsby
Fitzgerald, Penelope - The Book Shop
Findlay, Timothy - The Piano Man's Daughter
Flagg, Fannie - A Redbird Christmas (x2)
Flaubert, Gustave - Madame Bovary
Flynn, Katie - In Time For Christmas
Foley, Lucy - The Book of Lost and Found
Ford, Jamie - The Hotel of the Corner of Bitter and Sweet
Forsee, Tina Lee - A Footnote to Plato
Forster, E.M. - A Passage To India
Forster, E.M. - A Room With A View
Forster, E.M. - Howard's End
Foster, Thomas C. - How To Read Literature Like A Professor
Foster, Thomas C. - How To Read Novels Like A Professor
Fowler, Karen Joy - We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves
Fowler, Therese Anne - Z - A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald
Fox, Michael J. - Always Looking Up
Freedman, Benedict and Nancy - Mrs. Mike
Gaarter, Jostein - Sophie's World
Gaarter, Jostein - The Christmas Mystery
Gallico, Paul - Miracle in the Wilderness
Galloway, Steven - The Cellist Of Sarajevo
Galsworthy, John - The Man of Property and Indian Summer of a Forsyte (The Forsyte Saga 1)
Galsworthy, John - In Chancery and Awakening (The Forsyte Saga 2)
Galsworthy, John - To Let (The Forsyte Saga 3)
Galsworthy, John - The White Monkey and A Silent Wooning (The Forsyte Saga 4)
Galsworthy, John - The Silver Spoon and Passers By (The Forsyte Saga 5)
Galsworthy, John - Swan Song (The Forsyte Saga 6)
Galsworthy, John - Maid in Waiting (The Forsyte Saga 7)
Galsworthy, John - Flowering Wilderness (The Forsyte Saga 8)
Galsworthy, John - One More River (The Forsyte Saga 9)
Gammel, Irene - Looking For Anne
Gaskell, Elizabeth - Cranford
Gaskell, Elizabeth - North and South
Genova, Lisa - Every Note Played
Genova, Lisa - Inside the O'Briens
Genova, Lisa - Left Neglected
Genova, Lisa - Love Anthony
Genova, Lisa - Still Alice
Geraghty, Ciara - Rules of the Road
Geras, Adele - Facing the Light
Gibbons, Kaye - A Virtuous Woman
Gibbons, Kaye - Ellen Foster
Gibbons, Stella - Christmas at Cold Comfort Farm
Gibbons, Stella - Cold Comfort Farm
Gilbert, Elizabeth - Eat, Pray, Love
Gillard, Linda - House of Silence
Gilroy-Ware, Marcus - Filling the Void  
Giordano, Paolo - The Solitude of Prime Numbers
Givner, Joan - Playing Sarah Bernhardt
Golden, Arthur - Memoirs of a Geisha
Gopnik, Adam - Paris to the Moon
Gopnik, Adam - Through the Children's Gate
Gordon, Craig - Oryus
Gordon, Roderick and Williams, Brian - Tunnels
Govier, Katherine - Without A Guide
Gowda, Shilpi Somaya - Secret Daughter
Graeme-Evans, Posie - The Island House
Graham, Genevieve - Letters Across the Sea
Grahame, Kenneth - The Wind In The Willows
Grandin, Temple - Visual Thinking
Grau, Shirley Ann - The Keepers of the House
Greene, Brian - The Elegant Universe
Greene, Graham - The Quiet American
Greene, Graham - Travels With My Aunt
Grissom, Kathleen - The Kitchen House
Greenside, Mark - I'll Never Be French
Grossmith, George and Grossmith, Weedon - The Diary of a Nobody
Grunenwald, Jill - Reading Behind Bars
Guillen, Michael - The Null Prophecy
Gulley, Philip - Christmas in Harmony
Gunderson, Cynthia - Yes, And
Gunn, Robin Jones - Sister Chicks in Wooden Shoes
Gushee, David P. - Changing Our Mind
Gwyn, Richard - John A: The Man Who Made Us
Haddon, Mark - The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-time
Haig, Matt - How To Stop Time
Hales, Dianne - La Bella Lingua
Halpern, Sue - Summer Hours at the Robber's Library
Hamilton, Patrick - The Slaves of Solitude
Hanff, Helene - 84, Charing Cross Road
Hanff, Helene - The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street
Hannah, Don - The Wise And Foolish Virgins
Hardy, Thomas - Jude The Obscure
Hardy, Thomas - Poems Of The Past And Present
Hardy, Thomas - Tess of the D'Urbervilles
Hardy, Thomas - The Mayor of Casterbridge
Hardy, Thomas - The Woodlanders
Harper, Karen - The Queen's Secret
Hart, Kathleen - Devorgilla Days
Hart, Marjorie - Summer at Tiffany
Hawking, Stephen - A Brief History of Time
Hawthorne, Nathaniel - The Blithedale Romance
Hawthorne, Nathaniel - The House of The Seven Gables
Hay, Sheridan - The Secret of Lost Things
Hayes, Antonia - Relativity
Hayes-McCoy, Felicity - The Mistletoe Matchmaker
Hayes-McCoy, Felicity - The Library at the Edge of the World
Hedges, Chris - Empire Of Illusion
Hegg, Tom - A Cup of Christmas Tea
Helwig, David - Saltsea
Hely, Steve - How I Became a Famous Novelist
Hemingway, Ernest -A Farewell to Arms
Hemingway, Ernest - A Moveable Feast
Hemingway, Ernest - For Whom The Bell Tolls
Hemingway, Ernest - Islands In The Stream
Hemingway, Ernest - The Old Man and The Sea
Hemingway, Ernest - The Sun Also Rises
Hewitt, Kate - Out In The Country
Heyer, Georgette - Lady of Quality
Heyer, Georgette_The Nonesuch
Highsmith, Patricia - Those Who Walk Away
Hijuelos, Oscar - Mr. Ives' Christmas
Hill, Lawrence - Beatrice and Croc Harry
Hill, Lawrence - The Book Of Negroes
Hill, Lawrence - The Illegal
Hill, Susan - Howard's End Is On The Landing
Hislop, Victoria - The Island
Hoffman, Alice - Angel Landing
Hofmann, Paul - The Seasons Of Rome
Holt, Victoria - The Pride of the Peacock
Homer - The Iliad
The Polysyllabic Spree
Hosseini, Khaled - A Thousand Splendid Suns
Hosseini, Khaled - The Kite Runner
Hotchner, A. E. - Doris Day - Her Own Story
Howard, Elizabeth - Listen to the Child
Howatt, Betty - Tales From Willowshade Farm
Hughes, Anita - A Magical New York Christmas (x2)
Humphries, Helen - The Frozen Thames
Hunter, Jane McMorland (edited by) - Favourite Poems of England
Hurston, Zora Neale - Their Eyes Were Watching God
Huxley, Aldous - Brave New World
Hystad, Nathan - The Manuscript
Ibsen, Henrik - A Doll's House
Ibsen, Henrik - Hedda Gabler
Irving, John - A Prayer For Owen Meany
Irving, John - The World According to Garp
Irving, Washington - Christmas at Bracebridge Hall
Irving, Washington - Old Christmas
Ishiguro, Kazuo - A Pale View of Hills
Ishiguro, Kazuo - Never Let Me Go
Ishiguro, Kazuo - The Remains of the Day
Itani, Frances - Tell
Jackson, Shirley - We Have Always Lived In The Castle
James, Henry - Daisy Miller
James, Henry - The Bostonians
James, Henry - The Portrait of a Lady
James, Henry - The Turn of the Screw
James, Henry - The Wings of the Dove
James, Henry - Washington Square
James, Henry - What Maisie Knew
James, P.D. - Cover Her Face
Jerome, Jerome K. - Three Men In A Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog)
Jewel, Lisa - The House We Grew Up In
Jio, Sarah - The Violets of March
Joella, Ethan - A Quiet Life
Johnson, Alison - A House By The Shore
Johnson, Allen - Pardon My French
Johnson, Diane - Into a Paris Quartier
Johnson, Julia Claiborne - Be Frank With Me
Johnston, Wayne - A World Elsewhere
Joinson, Suzanne - A Lady Cyclist's Guide to Kashgar
Jonasson, Jonas - The 100 Year Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared
Jones, Brendan - The Alaskan Laundry
Joshi, Alka - The Henna Artist
Joyce, James - A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Joyce, James - Dubliners
Joyce, Rachel - The Music Shop
Joyce, Rachel - The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry
Judge, Michael - The Dance of Time
Kafka, Franz - The Metamorphosis
Kafka, Franz - The Trial
Kalanithi, Paul - When Breath Becomes Air
Kalotay, Daphne - Russian Winter
Kamminga, Afiena - The Sun Road
Kay, Terry - To Dance With the White Dog
Kean, Sam - The Disappearing Spoon: and Other Tales of Madness Love and the History of the World from the Periodic Table of the Elements.
Keats, John - The Poems of John Keats
Kelley, Angela - The Other Side of the Coin - The Queen, The Dresser, The Wardrobe
Kelly, Leisha - Julia's Hope
Kelly, Martha Hall - Lilac Girls
Kent, Carol - A New Kind Of Normal
Kent, Derek Taylor - Kubrick's Game
Kidd, Sue Monk - The Invention of Wings
Kidd, Sue Monk - The Secret Life of Bees
Kingsbury, Karen - The Bridge
King, Thomas - Indians on Vacation
Kingsolver, Barbara - Demon Copperhead
Kingsolver, Barbara - The Poisonwood Bible
Kingsolver, Barbara - Unsheltered
Kingsolver, Barbara - The Bean Trees
Kirkpatrick, Rob - 1969-The Year Everything Changed
Krueger, William Kent - Ordinary Grace
Kuhn, Kevin H. - Do You Realize?
Kuhn, William - Mrs. Queen Takes the Train
Kurdi, Tima - The Boy on the Beach
Lamb, Wally - Wishin' and Hopin'
Lamott, Anne - All New People
Lamott, Anne - Bird by Bird
Lamott, Anne - Small Victories
L'Amour, Louis - Education of a Wandering Man
Landay, William - Defending Jacob
Laney, Psy.D., Marti Olsen - The Introvert Advantage
Last, Nella - Nella Last's War
Laurain, Antoine - The President's Hat
Laurence, Margaret - The Prophet's Camel Bell
Laurence, Margaret - The Stone Angel
Laurens, Stephanie - Lady Osbaldestone's Christmas Goose
Lawhead, Stephen R. - The Skin Map
Lawhon, Ariel - Flight of Dreams
Leacock, Stephen - Literary Lapses
Learning, Walter (selected by) - Gifts to Last, Christmas Stories from the Maritimes and Newfoundland (x2)
Lee, Harper - To Kill A Mockingbird
Lee, Harper - Go Set A Watchman
L'Engle, Madeleine - A Wrinkle In Time
Leonard, Dion - Finding Gobi
Leroux, Gaston - The Phantom of the Opera
Levy, Andrea - Small Island
Lewis, C.S. - Mere Christianity
Lewis, C.S. - The Chronicles of Narnia - #1 The Magician's Nephew
Lewis, C.S. - The Chronicles of Narnia - #2 The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe
Lewis, C.S. - The Chronicles of Narnia - #3 The Horse and His Boy
Lewis, C.S. - The Chronicles of Narnia - #4 Prince Caspian
Lewis, C.S. - The Chronicles of Narnia - #5 The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Lewis, C.S. - The Chronicles of Narnia - #6 The Silver Chair
Lewis, C.S. - The Chronicles of Narnia - #7 The Last Battle
Lewis, C.S. - The Pilgrim's Regress
Lewis, Sinclair - Babbitt
Lison, Kathe - The Whole Fromage
Lively, Penelope -  Heat Wave
Lively, Penelope - Judgement Day
Lively, Penelope - The Photograph
Lofts, Norah - How Far To Bethlehem
Lofts, Norah - The Pride of the Peacock
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth - Evangeline(1) Evangeline (2)
Lovett, Charlie - The Bookman's Tale
Lovelace, Amanda - The Princess Saves Herself In This One
Lowe, Rob - Stories I Only Tell My Friends
Lowell, Catherine - The Madwoman Upstairs
Lowry, Lois - The Giver Quartet #1 - The Giver
Lowry, Lois - The Giver Quartet #2 - Gathering Blue
Lowry, Lois - The Giver Quartet #3 - Messenger 
Lowry, Lois - The Giver Quartet #4 - Son 
Lynch, Sarah-Kate - Blessed Are The Cheesemakers
Lynes, Jeanette - The Factory Voice
MacDonald, George - A Quiet Neighbourhood
MacDonald, George - The Curate's Awakening
MacDonald, George - The Seaboard Parish
MacDonald George - The Vicar's Daughter
MacDonald, Sarah - Holy Cow - An Indian Adventure
MacIntyre, Linden - The Bishop's Man
MacLean, Natalie - Red, White, and Drunk All Over
MacLennan, Hugh - Two Solitudes
MacLennan, Hugh - Barometer Rising
Maitland, Alan - Front Porch Al
Mallowan, Agatha Christie - Star Over Bethlehem
Maltz, Betty - My Glimpse of Eternity
Mandel, Emily St. John - Station Eleven
Manning, Molly Guptill - When Books Went to War
Martel, Yann - Life of Pi
Martin, Ham - Talk Radio
Massie, Robert K - Nicholas and Alexandra
Masson, Jeffrey Moussaieff - Slipping Into Paradise
Mathieu, Jennifer -  Afterward
Maugham, Somerset - Cakes and Ale
Maugham, Somerset - Of Human Bondage
Maugham, Somerset - The Painted Veil
Mayes, Frances - A Year In The World
Mayes, Frances - Swan
Mayle, Peter - Hotel Pastis
McCarthy, Cormac - The Road
McCarthy, Pete - McCarthy's Bar
McConaughey, Matthew - Greenlights
McCorkle, Jill - Life After Life
McCoy, Sarah - Marilla of Green Gables
McCullers, Carson - The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter
McCusker, Paul - Epiphany (re-read)
McEwan, Ian - Atonement
McEwan, Ian - On Chesil Beach
McFadden, David W. - An Innocent in Newfoundland
McKay, Ami - The Birth House
McKinstry, Carolyn Maull - While The World Watched
McLain, Paula - The Paris Wife
McLean, Stuart (collected by) - When We Were Young, an anthology of Canadian stories
Melville, Herman - Bartleby The Scrivener
Melville, Herman - Moby Dick
Mercer, Jeremy - Time Was Soft There
Meissner, Susan - Secrets of a Charmed Life
Michener, James A. - The Novel
Miller, Arthur - Death of a Salesman
Miller, Calvin - A Requiem for Love
Miller, Calvin - Snow
Miller, Calvin - The Path of Celtic Prayer
Miller, Calvin - The Singer (The Singer Trilogy Book 1)
Miller, Calvin - The Song (The Singer Trilogy Book 2)
Miller, Calvin - The Finale (The Singer Trilogy Book 3)
Milne, A. A. - Winnie-the-Pooh
Miller, Donald - Blue Like Jazz
Miller, Keith - The Taste of New Wine
Mirvis, Tova - The Ladies Auxiliary
Mistry, Rohinton - A Fine Balance
Mitchell, Joseph - Up In The Old Hotel
Mitchell, Margaret - Before Scarlett, the Girlhood Writings of Margaret Mitchell
Mitchell, Stephen - The First Christmas
Mitchell, W.O. - Who Has Seen The Wind
Moggach, Deborah - Heartbreak Hotel
Montgomery, Lucy M. - Anne Of Green Gables
Montgomery, Lucy M. - Christmas Treasury
Montgomery, Lucy M. - Emily of New Moon
Montgomery, Lucy M.- The Blue Castle
Moodie, Susanna - The Monctons
Moody, Diane - Confessions of a Prayer Slacker
Moore, Christopher - Santa and Pete
Moore, Linda - Attribution
Moran, Beth - Christmas Every Day
Morgan, Sarah - One More for Christmas
Morley, Christopher - Parnassus on Wheels
Morrison, Boyd - Rogue Wave
Mortensen, Greg - Three Cups Of Tea
Morton, Kate - The Forgotten Garden
Morton, Kate - The House At Riverton
Morton, Kate - The Lake House
Mount Allison University Students - 7 Mondays, Vol 27 (2024)
Mowatt, Farley - Bay of Spirits
Mowatt, Farley - Never Cry Wolf
Mowatt, Farley - The Boat Who Wouldn't Float
Mullen, Thomas - The Last Town On Earth
Myers, Michelle - Glass Shatters
Myerson, Amy - The Imperfects
Nafisi, Azar - Reading Lolita in Tehran
Nafisi, Azar - Things I've Been Silent About
Nason, Riel - The Town That Drowned
Nasrallah, Dmitri - Hotline
Nelson, Willie - It's a Long Story
Nemat, Marina -  The Prisoner of Tehran
Nemirovsky, Irene - All Our Worldly Goods
Nemirovsky, Irene - Suite Francaise
Nichols, Louise - Quite a Curiosity - The Sea Letters of Grace F. Ladd
Nicolson, Juliet - Abdication
Niffenegger, Audrey - The Time Traveler's Wife
Norris, Kathleen - Amazing Grace
Nouwen, Henri - The Return of the Prodigal Son (x2)
Oakley, Colleen - Close Enough to Touch
Oates, Joyce Carol - Missing Mom
Oatley, Keith - Therefore Choose
Offill, Jenny - Dept. of Speculation
Okrant, Robyn - Living Oprah
Orwell, George - Animal Farm
Orwell, George - Nineteen Eighty-Four
Oxenreider, Tsh - Notes from a Blue Bike
Panter-Downes, Mollie - One Fine Day
Parks, Gordon - The Learning Tree
Patchett, Ann - Bel Canto
Patchett, Ann - Commonwealth
Patchett, Ann - The Dutch House
Penner, Sarah - The Lost Apothecary
Perry, Anne - A Christmas Beginning
Perry, Anne - A Christmas Promise
Perry, Anne - A Dangerous Mourning
Perry, Anne - Silent Nights
Perry, Anne - The Face of a Stranger
Perry, Sarah - The Essex Serpent
Peters, Elizabeth - Crocodile On The Sandbank
Peters, Elizabeth - The Curse Of The Pharaohs
Peterson, Jordan - 12 Rules for Life
Phelps, Daphne -  A House In Sicily
Pilcher, Robin - The Long Way Home
Pilcher, Rosamunde - Another View
Pilcher, Rosamunde - The Empty House
Pilcher, Rosamunde - Winter Solstice
Pirsig, Robert M. - Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Plath, Sylvia - The Bell Jar
Popa, Kathleen - To Dance In The Desert
Potok, Chaim - My Name is Asher Lev (2017, 2022)
Powell, Margaret - Below Stairs
Powning, Beth - The Hatbox Letters
Powning, Beth - The Sea Captain's Wife
Proulx, E. Annie - The Shipping News
Pym, Barbara - A Glass of Blessings
Pym, Barbara - An Academic Question
Pym, Barbara - Excellent Women (x2)
Quindlen, Anna -  How Reading Changed My Life
Quindlen, Anna - Still Life With Bread Crumbs (x2)
Rachman, Tom - The Rise and Fall of Great Powers
Ramsey, Rebecca - French By Heart
Rand, Ayn - Atlas Shrugged
Read, Miss - The Fairacre series
                      1. Village School
                      2. Village Diary
                      3. Storm In The Village 
                      4. Miss Clare Remembers
                      5. Over The Gate 
            6,10,12. Christmas At Fairacre (Incl. Village Christmas, Christmas Mouse, & No Holly for Miss Quinn. Now in one vol., they read well in any order and even apart from the rest of the series) 
                      7. The Fairacre Festival
                      8. Emily Davis 
                      9. Tyler's Row 
                      11.Village Affairs 
                      13.Farther Afield 
                      14.The White Robin 
                      15.Village Centenary 
                      16. Summer at Fairacre
                      17. Mrs. Pringle of Fairacre
                      18. Changes at Fairacre
                      19. Fairwell to Fairacre   
                      20. A Pleasant Retirement           
Reichl, Ruth - Delicious!
Reichl, Ruth - My Kitchen Year
Richardson, Bill - Bachelor Brothers' Bed and Breakfast
Richardson, C.S. - The End of the Alphabet
Richardson, Kim Michele - The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek
Richler, Mordecai - The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz
Richmond, Grace S. - On Christmas Day (incl. On Christmas Day in the Morning, & On Christmas Day in the Evening)
Robertson, Pat - The Ten Offenses
Robinson, Barbara - The Best Christmas Pageant Ever
Robinson, Marilynne - Gilead
Robinson, Marilynne - Home
Robinson, Marilynne - Housekeeping
Robinson, Marilynne - Lila
Robson, Jennifer - Moonlight Over Paris
Robson, Jennifer - The Gown
Rogers, Jane - Island
Roig, Denise - Butter Cream
Romp, Billy - Christmas On Jane Street
Rosenbloom, Stephanie - Alone Time
Ross, Sinclair - As For Me and My House
Rovelli, Carlo - The Order of Time
Rue, Nancy - Pascal's Wager
Runyon, Damon - Guys and Dolls
Russell, Helen - The Year of Living Danishly
Russo, Richard - Nobody's Fool
Russo, Richard -  That Old Cape Magic
Ryan, Anne Marie - Christmas by the Book (x2)
Salamon, Julie - The Christmas Tree
Sampson, Freya - The Last Chance Library
Sankovitch, Nina - Tolstoy and the Purple Chair
Santmyer, Helen Hooven - And Ladies of The Club
Sargent, John - Turning Pages
Sayers, Dorothy L. - The Busman's Honeymoon
Sayers, Dorothy L. - Whose Body
Schine, Cathleen - The Three Weissmanns of Westport
Schwalbe, Will - Books for Living
Schwalbe, Will - The End of Your Life Book Club
Scudiere, A.J. - Resonance
Sedaris, David - Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim
See, Lisa - Snow Flower and the Secret Fan
Sellers, Heather - You Don't Look Like Anyone I Know
Shawcross, William - The Queen Mother
Shepherd, Peng - The Cartographers
Shields, Carol -  The Stone Diaries
Shute, Neville - A Town Like Alice
Silva, Samantha - Mr. Dickens and His Carol
Silver, Mitch - The Bookworm
Simonson, Helen - Major Pettigrew's Last Stand
Simonson, Helen - The Summer Before the War
Simsion, Graeme - The Rosie Project
Simsion, Graeme and Anne Buist - Two Steps Forward
Sire, James W. - How To Read Slowly (x2)
Skloot, Rebecca - The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
Sloan, Robin - Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore
Smedes, Lewis B - Shame and Grace (re-read)
Smith, Alexander McCall - No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency (1)
Smith, Alexander McCall - The Tears Of The Giraffe (2)
Smith, Alexander McCall -  Morality for Beautiful Girls (3)
Smith, Alexander McCall - The Kalahari Typing School For Men (4)
Smith, Alexander McCall - The Sunday Philosophy Club (1)
Smith, Alexander McCall -  Friends, Lovers and Chocolate (2)
Smith, Alexander McCall - The Right Attitude to Rain (3)
Smith, Alexander McCall - The Careful Use of Compliments (4)
Smith, Betty - A Tree Grows In Brooklyn
Smith, Dodie - I Capture The Castle
Smith, Sally Bedell - Elizabeth The Queen
Smith, Tony Robinson - Back In 6 Years
Sofer, Dalia - The Septembers of Shiraz
Solomons, Natasha - Mr. Rosenblum Dreams in English
Solomons, Natasha - The House at Tyneford
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander - One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch
Soucoup, Dan (edited by) - The Christmas Secret, An Atlantic Canadian Christmas Reader (x2)
Starnone, Domenico - Trick
Steinbeck, John - The Moon is Down
Steinbeck, John - East of Eden
Steinbeck, John - The Pearl
Stedman, M.L. - The Light Between Oceans
Stephenson, Neal - Seveneves
Stephenson, Neal - Termination Shock
Stevenson, Bryan - Just Mercy
Stockett, Kathryn - The Help
Stokes, Penelope - The Memory Book
Streeter, Edward - Merry Christmas, Mr. Baxter
Strobel, Lee - What Jesus Would Say
Struther, Jan - Mrs. Miniver
Students of Mount Allison Univ. - 7 Mondays
Suleyman, Mustafa - The Coming Wave
Sullivan, Faith - Good Night, Mr. Wodehouse
Sullivan, Matthew - Midnight at the Bright Ideas Bookstore
Sweeney, Cynthia D'Aprix - The Nest
Tada, Joni Eareckson - Heaven, Your Real Home
Tarkington, Booth - Mirthful Haven
Tarkington, Booth - Bartleby the Scrivener
Tarkington, Booth - Beasley's Christmas Party
Tarkington, Booth - The Magnificent Ambersons
Tarkington, Booth - Alice Adams
Taylor, Mrs. Bayard - Letters To A Young Housekeeper
Taylor, Elizabeth - Mrs. Palfrey at the Claremont
Thackeray, William Makepeace - The Christmas Books
Thackeray, William Makepeace - Vanity Fair
Thirkell, Angela - Christmas at High Rising
Thomas, Amy - Paris, My Sweet
Thomas, Dylan - A Child's Christmas In Wales
Thomas, Elizabeth Marshall - Certain Poor Shepherds - A Christmas Tale
Toffolo, Georgia - Meet Me In London
Tolkien, J.R.R. - A Tolkien Miscellany
Tolkien, J.R.R. - The Father Christmas Letters
Tolkien, J.R.R. - The Hobbit
Tolstoy, Leo - Anna Karenina
Tolstoy, Leo - War And Peace
Toth, Susan Allen - England For All Seasons
Toews, Miriam - The Flying Troutmans
Toews, Miriam - Women Talking
Towles, Amor - A Gentleman in Moscow
Towles, Amor - Rules of Civility
Towles, Amor - Table for Two
Trevor, William - Cheating At Canasta
Trevor, William - Love and Summer
Trigiani, Adriana - All the Stars in the Heavens
Trigiani, Adriana - The Shoemaker's Wife 
Trollope, Anthony - Barchester Towers
Trollope, Anthony - Christmas at Thompson Hall & Other Christmas Stories
Trueblood, Elton - The Company of the Committed
Truss, Lynne - Tennyson's Gift
Tucci, Stanley - Taste
Twain, Mark - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Twain, Mark - The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Tweedsmuir, Susan - Dashbury Park
Tyler, Anne - A Spool of Blue Thread
Tyler, Anne - Noah's Compass
Tyler, Steven - Does the Noise in My Head Bother You?
Urquhart, Jane - The Stone Carvers
VanderMeer, Jeff - Borne
Vermette, Katherena - The Break
Von Armin, Elizabeth - Elizabeth and Her German Garden
Von Armin, Elizabeth - The Enchanted April     Audio version
Vonnegut, Kurt - Slaughterhouse-Five
Vreeland, Susan - Girl in Hyacinth Blue
Vreeland, Susan - The Luncheon of the Boating Party
Vreeland, Susan - What Love Sees
Walker, Joseph - Christmas On Mill Street
Wallis, Velma - Two Old Women
Walls, Jeannette - Half Broke Horses
Walls, Jeannette - The Silver Star
Walsh, Dan - Remembering Christmas (twice thrice)
Walters, Barbara - How To Talk With Anybody About Practically Anything
Warren, Dianne - Cool Water
Warren, Rick - The Purpose Driven Life
Waterfield, Giles - The Long Afternoon
Watson, Winifred - Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day
Weale, David - Chasing The Shore
Webb, Margaret - Apples to Oysters
Weiner, Eric -  The Geogrpahy of Bliss
Weintraub, Stanley - Silent Night
Welty, Eudora - Delta Wedding
West, J.B. - Upstairs at the Whitehouse
Westover, Tara - Educated
Wharton, Edith - Ethan Frome
Wharton, Edith - House Of Mirth
Wharton, Edith -  Summer
Wharton, Edith - The Age of Innocence
Wharton, Edith - The Reef
Wilde, Oscar - The Picture Of Dorian Gray
Wilder, Thornton - The Bridge of San Luis Rey
Wilkerson, David - Have You Felt Like Giving Up Lately?
Willett, Marcia - The Garden House
Willett, Marcia - The Prodigal Wife
Willett, Marcia - Those Who Serve
Williams, Andy - Moon River and Me
Williams, Niall - O Come Ye Back to Ireland
Williams, Pip - The Dictionary of Lost Words
Williams, Tennessee - The Glass Menagerie
Wilson, Earl - Sinatra
Wilson, Robert Charles - Spin
Winchester, Simon - The Professor and the Madman
Wingate, Lisa - Before We Were Yours
Winner, Lauren F. - Still
Witherspoon, Kimberly & Meehan, Peter (edited by) - How I Learned To Cook 
Wizenberg, Molly - A Homemade Life
Wodehouse, P.G. - French Leave
Wodehouse, P.G. - Hot Water
Wolf, Maryanne - Reader, Come Home
Wood, Monica - The One-in-a-Million Boy
Woodruff, Elvira - The Christmas Doll
Woolf, Virginia - A Room of One's Own
Woolf, Virginia - Mrs. Dalloway 
Woolf, Virginia - To The Lighthouse
Wright, Camron - Letters For Emily
Wright, Jason F. -  The Wednesday Letters
Wroblewski, David - The Story Of Edgar Sawtelle
Yankoski, Mike - Under the Overpass
Zafon, Carlos Ruiz - The Shadow of the Wind
Zevin, Gabrielle - The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry
Zondervan (Publisher) - The Story - a chronological retelling of the Bible.(Fwd. by M. Lucado and R. Frazee)
Zusac, Marcus - I Am The Messenger
Zusac, Marcus  - The Book Thief